Prise en charge de la douleur prolongée du nouveau-né en maternité
Titre | Prise en charge de la douleur prolongée du nouveau-né en maternité |
Type | Mémoire |
Auteurs | Talbot Maelle |
Directeurs | Savagner Christophe |
Année | 2013 |
URL | |
Mots-clés | Douleur prolongée du nouveau-né, évaluation de la douleur, maternité |
Date de soutenance | 2013-05-27 |
Résumé | Ojectif : Etudier l’utilité clinique et la faisabilité d’évaluer la douleur prolongée du nouveau-né en maternité. Méthode : Etude prospective menée à la maternité du CHU d’Angers du 02 juillet au 05 août 2012 basée sur l’utilisation de l’échelle EDIN à deux moments en salle de naissance puis, en suites de couches au cours du deuxième jour de vie de l’enfant. Tous les nouveau-nés étaient inclus dans l’étude à l’exception des nouveau-nés hospitalisés en néonatalogie ou en unité « mère-enfant ». Résultats : Conclusions : |
Résumé en anglais | Objective : Study the clinical utility and the feasibility to estimate the prolonged pain of the newborn child in maternity hospital. Method : Forward-looking study led in the maternity of the hospital of Angers from July 02nd till August 05th, 2012 based on the use of the EDIN scale at two moments: in the delivery room and then, during the second day of life of the child. All the newborn children were included in the study with the exception of the newborn children hospitalized in neonatology or in the "mother-child" department. Results : Risk factors of pain seem to distinguish themselves for the EDIN evaluation realized in the birth: the use of instruments (affecting 27,5 % of the painful newborn children against 12,5 % of the others) but also the existence of a tinged amniotic liquid (30,9 % versus 12,4 %). According to our study, other factors would avoid the newborn’s pain in the delivery room: it is the case of the delivery from below (associated with 72,4 % of the not painful newborn children against 54,9 % of the algetic newborn children). A clear amniotic liquid which is a sign of foetal well-being, would also protect from pain according to our study (82,2 % versus 64,3 %). In the post delivery room, the revealed risk factors of pain are different: repeated regurgitations and episodes of stomach pains which are more frequent in case of a Ceasarean section, would have an effect on the arisen pain (respectively 28,6 % against 7,1 % for the regurgitations and 19 % versus 6 % for stomach pains). The quality of the sucking would be, according to its efficiency, risky or protective with regard to the pain (the “good” sucking concerns 86,3 % of the non painful newborn children; the "insufficient " or " ineffective" sucking concerns 42,9 % of the painful children). Conclusions : The improvement of the coverage of the prolonged pain of the newborn child in maternity hospital must and can be made by a systematic and regular evaluation. It is advisable that it becomes central concern of the professionals in charge of the newborn child, that is why it is right now necessary to encourage the valuation of the EDIN score in maternity hospital. |
Langue de rédaction | Français |
Nb pages | 97 |
Diplôme | Diplôme d'État de sage-femme |
Editeur | Université Angers |
Place Published | Angers |
Libellé UFR | École René Rouchy |