Rôle du pharmacien en EHPAD : à propos d’une étude locale en Maine et Loire
Titre | Rôle du pharmacien en EHPAD : à propos d’une étude locale en Maine et Loire |
Type | Thèse d'exercice : Pharmacie |
Auteurs | Grosbois Paul-henri |
Directeurs | Faure Sébastien, Vasseur Emmanuel |
Année | 2012 |
URL | http://dune.univ-angers.fr/fichiers/20020465/2011PPHA416/fichier/416F.pdf |
Mots-clés | circuit du médicament, EHPAD, PDA, pharmacien |
Résumé | Le nombre de personnes âgées de plus de 60 ans devrait augmenter de plus de 10 millions entre 2007 et 2060. Ce vieillissement constitue une problématique importante à l’heure actuelle et pour l’avenir car il s’accompagne d’un accroissement du risque d’apparition de phénomène de dépendance. |
Résumé en anglais | The number of people of 60 and over is likely to increase by 10 million between 2007 and 2060. Such an ageing population represents a major issue today as well as for the future as it goes together with a growing risk of the phenomenon of dependence. That frail, polypathological and polymedicalized population will need to be welcomed in adapted nursing homes: medical houses for elderly dependent people (EHPAD). Within those medical houses, health treatment are organized around various people, among whom there is the pharmacist. The pharmacist has a crucial role to play both in the quality and security of the medicine circuit, which is necessary to the prevention of iatrogenic risks. An investigation led in Maine et Loire contributes to illustrate that topic throughout five different EHPAD, differenciated by their location, their size and the way medication is delivered. This study, realized in rural and urban areas, in dispensary or pharmacy aims at showing the various ways medication is managed and more particularly the oral dose preparation (PDA). In all those cases, the pharmacist must get involved in the medicine circuit in EHPAD in order to trade in quality and security, and above all giving priority to the patients thanks to the proximity. |
Langue de rédaction | Français |
Nb pages | 131 |
Diplôme | Diplôme d'État de docteur en pharmacie |
Date de soutenance | 2012-12-10 |
Editeur | Université Angers |
Place Published | Angers |
Libellé UFR | UFR de Sciences Pharmaceutiques et d'Ingénierie de la Santé |
Numéro national | 2012ANGE014P |