Dynamiques des destinations touristiques : l’exemple de la Vendée et de la Costa del Sol
Titre | Dynamiques des destinations touristiques : l’exemple de la Vendée et de la Costa del Sol |
Type | Thèse de doctorat |
Auteurs | Audinet Laetitia |
Directeurs | Violier Philippe, Jaurand Emmanuel, Segui-Linas Miguel, Gay Jean-Christophe |
Année | 2012 |
URL | https://dune.univ-angers.fr/fichiers/20033315/201212903/fichier/12903F.pdf |
Mots-clés | Costa del Sol, Dynamiques, Espace touristique, littoral, processus, Système d’acteurs du tourisme, Vendée |
Résumé | Comment envisager la pérennité des espaces touristiques dans le temps ? L’analyse des dynamiques d’évolution des espaces s’appréhende |
Résumé en anglais | How to consider the sustainability of tourist areas in time? The analysis of dynamic evolution of space is apprehended through traditional theories and concepts. Through the examples of two coasts-economic model of mass tourism, this thesis wishes to contribute to the debate by placing the system of tourism stakeholders in the center of the analysis in a broader perspective of governance. The results from a series of interviews on the Vendée coast and the Costa del Sol illustrate the importance of the actor in structuring public spaces and in the refinement of the positioning of the site. Strategies adopted include the territorial marketing with the diversification of tourism offer or yet the identity of areas. In addition, the choices made by the system of actors are partially constrained as they perform in a given context and at a given time, marked in particular by processes such as changes in tourism practices and leisure, the development of residential mobility on coastal destination or the aging of the population in such areas. So, every touristic place is unique and its evolution depends on both the involvement of the system of the actors, the strategies and the processes in progress. |
Langue de rédaction | Français |
Diplôme | Thèse de doctorat |
Date de soutenance | 2012-11-30 |
Editeur | Université d'Angers |
Place Published | Angers |
Libellé UFR | Collège doctoral |
personnalisé6 | Espaces et Sociétés / ESO |
personnalisé7 | Géographie |