Of the use of plausible deniability by the United States in Iraq and Afghanistan

TitreOf the use of plausible deniability by the United States in Iraq and Afghanistan
TypeMémoire de Master
AuteursBremaud-Billand Benjamin
DirecteursCassini John
Mots-clésAfghanistan, CIA, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom, Iraq, Iraqi Freedom, Saddam Hussein, terrorism, USA
Date de soutenance2013-06-24
Résumé en anglais

The purpose of this work is to study the different uses of the said plausible deniability strategy, by the United States during the past decades. It will try to show and explain the evolution the CIA went through in term of organization, its relation with the decision makers and the military. To do so the study will focus on the actions and operations ran by the CIA in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the subsequently raised controversies.

Langue de rédactionAnglais
Nb pages92

Master Arts, Lettres et Civilisations

EditeurUniversité Angers
Place PublishedAngers
Libellé UFR

UFR de Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines