Evaluation du dispositif PARTAGE GHT 49 : Parcours de soins des patients âgés : coordination pharmaceutique ville-hôpital pour la prise en charge thérapeutique sur le territoire du GHT 49
Titre | Evaluation du dispositif PARTAGE GHT 49 : Parcours de soins des patients âgés : coordination pharmaceutique ville-hôpital pour la prise en charge thérapeutique sur le territoire du GHT 49 |
Type | Thèse d'exercice : Pharmacie |
Auteurs | D'Argentré Alix Du plessis |
Directeurs | Spiesser-Robelet Laurence |
Année | 2024 |
URL | https://dune.univ-angers.fr/fichiers/16000452/2024PPHA19057/fichier/19057F.pdf |
Mots-clés | conciliation, Evénements iatrogènes, Médicaments potentiellement inappropriés, PARTAGE GHT, Personnes âgées, réhospitalisations |
Résumé | La personne âgée, sujette à la polypathologie et à la polymédication, est plus vulnérable aux événements iatrogènes. Le Groupement Hospitalier de Territoire (GHT) du Maine-et-Loire a mis en place un projet ayant pour objectif de développer de manière harmonisée les activités de pharmacie clinique, d’optimiser les liens villehôpital et de sécuriser les échanges entre professionnels de santé. Ce projet est appelé PARTAGE GHT 49. |
Résumé en anglais | Older adults, who often have multiple chronic conditions and take multiple medications, are more vulnerable to adverse drug events. The Hospital Territorial Group of Maine-et-Loire has implemented a project aimed at developing clinical pharmacy activities in a harmonized way, optimizing the links between the city and the hospital and ensuring exchanges between health professionals. This project is called PARTAGE GHT 49. The main objective of the study was to describe and compare the 30-day rehospitalization rates following the initial hospitalization of patients included in the program. Secondary objectives were to evaluate several indicators at different stages of the care pathway and the satisfaction of pharmacists. A multicentre, retrospective observational study was conducted from October 2021 to April 2022 on patients aged over 65 years hospitalized at the University Hospital of Angers. Prescription data were retrieved using a secure digital platform called Hospiville®. The 30-day readmission rate was obtained from health insurance. In total, 612 patients (median age = 87 years) were included in the study. The 30-day readmission rate for patients who benefited from medication reconciliation at admission and discharge was 7.9%. The PARTAGE GHT 49 program has contributed to the development of clinical pharmacy in the territory of the GHT 49 facilities where it was not previously practised. It has also supported community pharmacists in their current practice, particularly carrying out shared medication reconciliation. A project called PARTAGE-IMPACT is planned to deepen this evaluation. |
Langue de rédaction | Français |
Nb pages | 130 |
Diplôme | diplôme d'État de docteur en pharmacie |
Date de soutenance | 2023-12-13 |
Editeur | Université d'Angers |
Place Published | Angers |
Libellé UFR | UFR de Sciences Pharmaceutiques et d'Ingénierie de la Santé |
Numéro national | 2024ANGE113P |